Sunday, September 10, 2006


I'm going away for a few days - I'll be back home on September 19th. I might post something while I'm gone, but it will probably be a little different than the more researched posts that I usually do. Please feel free to continue to comment on earlier posts - but know that if I need my books to answer you, it might wait for a few days.

In the meantime, I'd like to take advantage of this downtime to get your feedback on this site. What would you like to see more of? What needs change or improvement? I'm particularly interested in hearing what you think of the look and feel of Balashon. What do you think of the text and background colors? What about the fonts? Should they be larger? Do you prefer serif? How about the Hebrew font? Should there be more white space? Different graphics?

I'm not a big expert in web design, but I'll be happy to try to improve the site based on your response.

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